Ps3 Wont Play Blu Ray On My 720p Panasonic My PS3 Wont Load Certain Blu Rays?

My PS3 Wont Load Certain Blu Rays? - ps3 wont play blu ray on my 720p panasonic

We were almost a year and everything was good for most.
Blu-ray play all the time. We have tried the Blu-ray, Underworld Evolution play last night and start loading and stability, and would go and try again. Every time when we are tested again, still wouldnt work .. begin the shop, then stop.
We have another Blu Ray, surfing, and it worked perfectly. Loaded quickly and easily worked. Today, we have tried to Pineapple Express and the loading mode, then after, and we should leave, when we with the underworld. While we are in Talladega Nights, and it worked perfectly.

The problem is that we played every Blu-ray than a few times in the PS3 andnever had a problem, but all of a sudden load some very custom.
This is not the HDMI or something, and we have a Sony HD TV and all the cables properly. The games every time, but sometimes custom Blu-ray.

Please help the p, my friend is verrrrry * Teens beyond, and I do not blame them.


sadcryin... said...

hmm. sounds like an equipment malfunction. I recommend you get it repaired.

Owen said...

Take a lok article in my hand.

Fixed my game disc read errors, will hopefully help you.

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