Teach Deck Games.com My Teach Threatned To Deck Me In The Face?

My teach threatned to deck me in the face? - teach deck games.com

So I was outside the English class and two of my friends and I'm still in competition, the first of two posts and if we runining pushed me to my teacher. It remains, as were his words, "that hurts!" a very aggressive tone. I told him I thought it was an accident and he said: "They want to cover in the face," and he replied saying: "You want to lose your job?" Now there's a difference between jokes and threatning. It was a very aggressive tone angry he was. I ended up going to the office, but my mother thinks that she did nothing wrong, and I did. My father did not agree. What do you think that? Do you think this is not a big deal? "Im 14 is in grade 9 will also

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